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Finding Spirit Home Page


Finding Spirit - Purpose


The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate that we are not alone in this world. I believe that God has sent us here with tools to help us through this life - one of the greatest of which is Spirit - who guides us on a daily basis. We need only ask for, listen to and recognize Spirit and learn the language in which it speaks to us. 


As for me, I have felt Spirit's influence in my life since I was very small. I have come to rely on it so much, I'm not sure how I would function without it. Perhaps you have felt the same way and have your own stories to share.


Because I felt inspired by Spirit to share my experiences, there are three separate blogs on this site: 


1.  Finding Spirit in Everyday Things -Inspired writings based on everyday experiences.

2. Two Eggs Over Easy - Observations while eating breakfast and/or brunch in diners and restaurants over the years. Also, Spirit speaks through my pen and answers questions I ask.

3.  Aging & Crossing Over - Combining my research skills, feedback from others and my own feelings of caring for elderly parents, this blog, it is hoped, will help others caring for their elderly loved ones. (This blog will contain more information in the next few months.)


Thank you for your visit here. I hope you come back often.

© 2017 by JM Kinnaman

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